— 17th Season —
Getting To Know You
2023 Streaming Benefit
December 9-17, 2023
All music licensed by ASCAP except the following music by Kevin Macleod (incompetech.com): "Wholesome," "Winner Winner," "March of the Spoons," "Monkeys Spinning Monkeys," “Quirky Dog,“ and Hot Swing” Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
About Getting To Know You
Seventeen years ago, Scott Robinson started Out of the Box Theatre Company to give opportunities to theater artists 50 years old and older. This streaming documentary video is his legacy.
Join us for a journey into the lives of some of the artists who have made Out of the Box Theatre what it is today: from actors to designers to board members. Watch them share stories about career highs, career lows and for a performance snippet or two. Plus, stay tuned for a special announcement about the future of Out of the Box. |
Jrome Andre | Susanne Brinnitzer | Stephanie Byer | Susan Case | Susan Courtney
David Edwards | Susanna Frazer | Kelly Gilmore | James Harter
Mark Hofmaier | John Christopher Jones | Laurel Lockhart | Halina Malinowski
Larry Marshall | Phil Mougis | Ward Nixon | Katherine O’Sullivan
Woody Reagan | Betsy Ross | Gloria Sauvé | Sally Sherwood | Lin Snider | Jeffery V. Thompson
Sergiy Chernykov | Tony Javed |Manon Manavit | Jane Marx
Eve Packer | Jeffery Passero | Harlan Penn
Bob Johnson
Jrome Andre | Susanne Brinnitzer | Stephanie Byer | Susan Case | Susan Courtney
David Edwards | Susanna Frazer | Kelly Gilmore | James Harter
Mark Hofmaier | John Christopher Jones | Laurel Lockhart | Halina Malinowski
Larry Marshall | Phil Mougis | Ward Nixon | Katherine O’Sullivan
Woody Reagan | Betsy Ross | Gloria Sauvé | Sally Sherwood | Lin Snider | Jeffery V. Thompson
Sergiy Chernykov | Tony Javed |Manon Manavit | Jane Marx
Eve Packer | Jeffery Passero | Harlan Penn
Bob Johnson